Campus Safety Tips

The safety topics listed below provide tips for all students, faculty, staff and visitors, regardless of current residence. If you would like to hear a presentation on any of the below topics, visit our Crime Prevention page for more information. Also, program your cellular telephone to the Florida Atlantic University Police Department at (561) 297-3500. All campus telephones and callboxes come to our dispatch center.

To view the Tip of the Month, click here.

See the topics below for more information.

Residential Education

Neighborhood Watch

Turn your building into a community by ensuring all are watching out for each other. Report all suspicious people and circumstances immediately.

Lock Your Door

There are, on average, 100 thefts each year at Florida Atlantic University. All of the residence hall thefts could have been avoided simply by locking the door.


If you have a peephole, use it.

Close Propped Doors

This is not just the Residential Assistance (RA) job. People get a false sense of security from the card-swiped exterior doors.

Engrave Valuables

In the event of a theft, you are much more likely to have your item returned if there is an identifiable mark separating yours from everyone else's. "Black laptop" isn't all that descriptive.

Trust Your Instincts

If something doesn't look right to you, it probably isn't. If someone or something appears out of place in your building, contact your RA or the police immediately.

Personal Security

This is for all students, faculty, staff and visitors regardless of your location.

Stay Aware

Stay aware of your surroundings. Perpetrators choose their victims based on their vulnerability. Some think talking on the cellular phone is a better deterrent, but actually it is a highly visible sign that you are distracted. Think ahead and plan your journey, avoiding unpopulated areas.

Think Ahead

Think ahead and plan your journey, avoiding unpopulated areas.

Avoid Walking Alone Try to avoid walking alone at night, and stay on well-lit main paths when possible, and avoid shortcuts. When on campus during late hours, utilize the night owl service. If it is unavailable, or if you would feel more comfortable having a police escort, contact us at (561) 297-3500.

Stay Alert

Stay alert and aware of what is going on around you. Trust your instincts if you see anything suspicious and call the Florida Atlantic University Police Department at (561)-297-3500 for non-emergencies or 9-1-1 in the event of an emergency.

Let Someone Know Your Plan

Let someone you trust know where you are going, the route you plan to take, and when you expect to return.

Avoid Distractions

Avoid wearing headphones when walking or driving, your ability to hear traffic, strangers, and potential trouble can be restricted.

Report Suspicious Persons

Report suspicious persons or activity immediately to FAUPD via telephone at (561) 297-3500 or use an emergency blue light phone. Program your cellular telephone to the Florida Atlantic University Police Department at (561) 297-3500 so you do not have to waste time searching for the number.

Trust Your Instincts

Trust Your Instincts if something doesn't look right to you, it probably isn't. If someone or something appears out of place in your building, contact your RA or the police immediately.

Safety in Numbers

Whether on campus, at home or out for the day, travel in groups whenever possible. Perpetrators look for individuals who are easy targets, in areas where they can hide. Simply one other person can take away the criminal's opportunity.

Know to Defend Yourself

Enroll in a Rape Aggression Defense Course today.

Registration is available at

The is course is for women only

Vehicle Security

This is for all students, faculty, staff and visitors, whether you are on campus or not.

Out of Sight

Keep all expensive items out of view of the windows. For example, put your Apple iPad, or iPod in the glove box. Large items should be locked in the trunk. If you have to keep something in the passenger compartment, cover it with something. Theft is a crime of opportunity, so if they can't see what is in the car, they are much more likely to go to the next car.


Parkin well-lit, highly visible lots. Always park as close to where most of the traffic (cars and pedestrians) are.

Lock It

Always lock doors and windows, even when it's just for a minute. If you need to cool the vehicle, use sunscreen (never crack your window).

Blue Light Phones

There are blue light emergency phones in every student lot on campus. Be familiar with their locations.

To view the blue lightmap, click  here.

Personal Security

If a suspicious person is standing at your car, or near a parking spot, just keep going. Also, look around the area of your vehicle, then inside, before getting in. 

Bicycle Security & Operation

Bicycles are permitted on all roadways, as well as concrete and asphalt pathways, grass, and sidewalks, with the exception of times when there is heavy pedestrian traffic on sidewalks and pathways. When operating on a roadway, bicyclists must obey all laws pertaining to vehicular traffic. In times of heavy pedestrian traffic, when sidewalks and pathways are congested (such as class change), bicyclists shall dismount completely and walk. Bicyclists are encouraged to dismount at crosswalks.

Bicycle Parking

All bicycles must be parked in designated bicycle racks and must be registered with Parking Services prior to being parked on campus. Protect Your Bicycle From Theft! Always secure your bicycle frame to a bicycle rack or stationary object with an alloy-hardened U-shaped lock (even if you're only going to be gone just a minute).

For more information about bicycle safety, security, and registration procedures, click  here.

Operating Mopeds & Motor Scooters on Campus

Mopeds and motor scooters are permitted only on roadways and drivers must obey all laws pertaining to vehicular traffic. On sidewalks and pathways, mopeds and motor scooters must be walked at all times.

Abandoned Bicycle Confiscation Policy

The Florida Atlantic University Police Department enforces an abandoned bicycle confiscation policy, which states that if you leave your bicycle locked on campus for several months without using it, the University Police Department will tag your bicycle with a notice. The notice states that you have 20 days to contact FAU Police, or your bicycle will be confiscated. If you do not claim it in 90 days, it becomes the property of the University. 

Identity Theft and Online Sharing Safety

This is for all students, faculty, staff, and visitors whether you have internet access or not! Identity theft comes in many forms, and you are not immune to it even if you never use the internet! All forms of banking, and data collection (such as creditors, departments of motor vehicles, insurance companies, etc.) do all of their business in a cyber world. Tricks used to change daily, so check out the Federal Trade Commission's Identity Theft website.

Is It Too Much?

It is okay to put "18 years old", but 04/22/85 is way too much information. Although the normal uses of these websites are fun ways to meet people, too much information makes it way too easy to attract unwanted people. Not everyone who has a .edu email address is a student! Don't put a phone number, but put an area code if you want others to know your region. By combining things like Google,, Anywho, etc., with certain information a person can get a map to your door!


If one computer can see it, all computers can see it. Unless encrypted or otherwise secured, nothing is private on the web!

Be Vague

Putting your major may be okay, but never your class schedule!

Threats & Stalking

If someone threatens you online, save the conversation and then report it to the police. 1.4 million men and women are stalked annually. The internet opens that situation up to the entire world. It is possible to be stalked from anywhere, and then the perpetrator is given everything he/she needs to come to you. Make sure that you disable geotags on your cameras so you are posting your exact position to the world.  

Spring Break Safety

Personal Safety

Use common sense and intuition – if something looks wrong, something is probably wrong. Be conscious of your surroundings. Don't walk alone if you are in an unfamiliar place. Never leave a party alone with someone you just met. Don't leave valuables in your hotel or motel room. Carry only as much cash as you need – credit cards and traveler’s checks are safer. Do not overcrowd elevators – this often causes a malfunction which will cause you to be stuck. Do not climb on balconies or sit on balcony rails – this can lead to fatal falls Use caution when crossing roads, especially if you have been drinking.

Alcohol Safety

Don't drink too much – drinking increases the probability of becoming the victim of a sexual assault and other crimes. Decide in advance what and how much you will drink. Plan on how you will refuse drinks once you reach your personal limit. Watch out for "rape drugs” – never leave your drink unattended and don't accept open drinks from strangers. Do not drive if you have had anything to drink – use a designated driver or public transportation. Should a member of your group become intoxicated, don’t leave that person alone. If a friend passes out, roll them on their side to prevent choking, and call 911 immediately.

Sun, Sand & Surf Safety

Avoid prolonged sun exposure during the hottest hours of the day – 11 am to 3 pm. You can get a sunburn even if it is cloudy. Apply sunscreen with an SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of at least 15, paying special attention to the face, nose, ears, and shoulders. Wear a hat and sunglasses with UV (Ultraviolet) protection. Drink plenty of water, non-carbonated, and non-alcoholic drinks, even if you do not feel thirsty. Never swim alone, and be aware of ocean rip currents. Be aware of sunstroke symptoms including hot, dry skin and rapid heartbeat.